22k Gold Ornament Embedded Paintings

Our Fusion Paintings Specialities

Want to gift your loved ones something special with your unique touch of gifting?

Our Fusion 22k Gold Ornament Paintings are the Preeminent option!!

How are they made?

Our Distinct Artist(s) can make Custom Paintings with the 22k Gold Ornaments. which can be detachable and used as Pendants / Ear Studs / more by your loved ones. And Paintings will be your Persistant Memories of Art.

To reach the Artist(s) for Orders and other Queries, please email with 'ARTIST' in the subject line to sales@SonaRaksha.com or call us at +1(919)391-7587

Dimensions : 11.25" x 9.25"
Sale Price (per Painting incl 22k Gold Pendant) : USD 89.00

(Taxes & Shipping within USA included)

Regular Price (per Painting incl 22k Gold Pendant) : USD 139.00

(Taxes & Shipping within USA included)